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A Penetrating Gaze

26 Aug 1990
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A Rising Star

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Bloodness Symbology — 2000 Natural Deaths by Gu Wenda at Hatley Martin Gallery

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Challenging the Modernist

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East Meets West

4 Sep 1990
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Gu Wenda 'Two Thousand Natural Deaths'

Fall 1990
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Gu Wenda — 2000 Natural Deaths: Artist as Provocateur

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Interview with Gu Wenda by Fei Dawei

Interview van Fei Dawei met de kunstenaar Gu Wenda
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News Listing Regarding the Exhibition 'Centric 40: Wenda Gu — Red Black White'

2 Sep 1990
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Non-Descriptive Text

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Notes on Gu Wenda

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Notes on the Publication Source of an Interview with Gu Wenda by Fei Dawei

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Notes on the Reference Materials Regarding Gu Wenda

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Readers' Forum: Cosmic Synchronism

3 May 1990
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Rejection and Mystery — On Gu Wenda and His Interpreters

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Sanitary Art

21 Mar 1990
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Silence and Transcendence

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The Shaking Stuff

May 1990
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Transcript of Gallery Talk Given by Gu Wenda after the Opening of '2000 Natural Deaths'

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Wenda Gu — Provocative Chinese Artist Comes to the West Coast

Sep 1989