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Exhibition Installation and Hardware Requirement for Feng Mengbo's Take Tiger Mountain, A Diary by the Apple, and Long March

馮夢波作品〈智取威虎山〉、〈蘋果日記〉、及 〈長征〉的展覽安裝及硬件要求
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Full List of Software Provided by Feng Mengbo for Take Tiger Mountain to Participate in 'Configura 2'

馮夢波為〈智取威虎山〉參加《Configura 2》而提供的全部軟體清單
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Letter of Attorney and Authorization Statement for Feng Mengbo's Works to Participate in the Exhibition 'Configura 2'

馮夢波作品參加展覽《Configura 2》的委托書和授權聲明
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Software Installation and Instruction for Feng Mengbo's Take Tiger Mountain, A Diary by the Apple, and Long March

馮夢波作品〈智取威虎山〉、〈蘋果日記〉、及 〈長征〉 的軟件安裝與使用說明
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The System Requirements of My Private Album, the 1st Interactive Multimedia Program Created by Feng Mengbo