Compilation of Newspaper Articles

This document is a collection of newspaper articles, including the following:
'Contemporary Indian Art Misses the Point' by A. S. Raman, source unknown;
'Images India 1800-1900' by Yashoddhara Dalmia, source unknown;
'Precursors of Art Exhibitions' by Kamal Sarkar, magazine unknown;
'Rediscovering the Primitive' - Interview of J. Swaminathan with Kamala Kapoor, January 1992, source unknown;
'Contra 66 is the Answer', source unknown;
'Form, Contemporaneity, Me', excerpts from the first issue of Contra 66, source unknown;
'Haryana Art Gallery', published in Times of India on 5 October 1975;
'How Can Art Be Abstract?' by A. S. Raman, published in Times of India on 13 July 1980;
'Art: Enthusiastic Preparations' published in the magazine Bombay, 22 March–6 April 1981;
'Nostalgia: The Nerve Centre Of Art' published in Bombay, 22 March–6 April 1981;
'A Gallery Is 30' by S. V. Vasudev, published in The Illustrated Weekly Of India, 5 April 1981;
'His Images Are Anti-iconic' by Geeti Sen, published in Times of India, 21 March 1982;
'Signing Off on "I Was an Impossible Child''', excerpt from autobiography written by J. Swaminathan for catalogue of his last exhibition, published in The Economic Times, Ahmedabad, 30 April 1994;
'The Muse Was His Master' by Keshav Malik, published in Times of India, Ahmedabad, 27 April 1994;
'Visionary Activist', published in Times of India, 27 April 1994;
'National Exhibition Good in Parts' by Keshav Malik, published in Times of India, 22 March 1980;
'Bridging Cultures' by Uma Asher, source unknown;
'Cultural Express: An Integrated Approach to Collective Creativity' by Samira Sheikh, Rochana Bajpai and Chaitanya Samprani, source unknown;
'The Arts: National Exhibition' published in Line, 24 October 1976;
'UK TV Documentary on Baroda Artist' by Pramod Pagedar, published in Indian Express, 28 March 1982;
'Towards a Thoughtful Art' by Yashodhara Dalmia, published in The Times of India, 16 November 1975;
'Indulging in the Age of Innocence', source unknown.
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Compilation of Newspaper Articles
