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News article about four Taiwanese artists, Hou Chun-ming, Hsu Yu-jen, Huang Chih-yang and Yu Peng, who participated in the exhibition 'Tracing Taiwan: Contemporary Works on Paper' joining a forum in New York to talk about their works.

關於參加《台灣探究—當代紙上作品》(Tracing Taiwan: Contemporary Works on Paper)展覽的四位台灣藝術家:侯俊明、許雨仁、黃志揚及于彭於紐約參加一個座談會談論創作的報導。

Title type


Access level



Chinese - Traditional

Publication/Creation date

16 Jun 1997

Source of publication

Ming Pao, 明報, 16 Jun 1997

Content type

news reportage

Rights statement

In Copyright

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This item is covered by one or more copyrights. It is available for research only or use within Hong Kong’s fair dealing rules. Please do not copy, re-use or reproduce this item without the permission of the copyright holder.

Forum with Taiwanese Artists, 台北藝廊辦藝術家座談會