Hong Kong Arts Centre Spring Education Programme — Visual Research into Contemporary Hong Kong, 香港藝術中心 春季課程 — 當代香港之視覺探索

Ellen Pau and other video artists participated in phase II of the 'Visual Research into Contemporary Hong Kong' project under the programme 'Research Medium: Video' (details on.p16-18 in the brochure).
CHAK Kamman, 翟錦文,  CHAN Wai Man Raymond, 陳偉民,  FUNG Mei Wah May, 馮美華,  MOK Kingkeung Bernard, 莫勁強,  Ellen PAU, 鮑藹倫,  PUN Sou Sydney, 潘泝,  Video Power, 錄影力量 (Hong Kong),  WONG Kan Tai, 黃勤帶
Chinese - Traditional, 
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Hong Kong Arts Centre Spring Education Programme — Visual Research into Contemporary Hong Kong, 香港藝術中心 春季課程 — 當代香港之視覺探索
