Comments on the Culture Bureau by artists, government members, writers, and other art practitioners.
Stephen CHAN Chingkiu, 陳清僑,  CHOI Tszkwan Ger, 蔡芷筠,  HO Chi Ping Patrick, 何志平,  HO Hing Kay Oscar, 何慶基,  Jimfly, 占飛,  KO Chisum Clifton, 高志森,  Freeman LAU, 劉小康,  LEE Kamyin, 李錦賢,  LEUNG Man Tao, 梁文道,  LUNG Yingtai, 龍應台,  MA Fungkwok, 馬逢國,  Lars NITTVE, 李立偉,  SZETO May, 司徒薇,  Ada WONG, 黃英琦,  Mathias WOO, 胡恩威,  Danny YUNG, 榮念曾
Chinese - Traditional
2012 (Estimated)
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