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Message from Winnie Fu to Ellen Pau, 12 July 1993

12 Jul 1993
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Membership Invitation Letter from Videotage

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Email from Vivian Huang to Connie Choi, 13 March 1997

13 Mar 1997
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Email from Jo Law to Connie Choi, 14 March 1997

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Postcard to Ellen Pau, 4 October 2000

4 Oct 2000
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Message from June Cheung to Ellen Pau, 30 March 2001

30 Mar 2001
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Invitation to the Exhibition 'Memorize the Future: Installation Work by Leung Mee Ping'

6 May 2002
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Message from Joel to Ellen Pau, December 2004

Dec 2004
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Letter from Connie Choi to Ellen Pau