Venue |
Date |
2008年10月11日至14日 |
CAI Qing, 蔡青, 
CHEN Jianjun, 陳建軍, 
Chuyia CHIA, 
DONG Jie, 董潔, 
DUAN Yingmei, 段英梅, 
Gisela HOCHULI, 
HE Ling, 何玲, 
HE Liping, 何利平, 
Hilario ALVAREZ, 
Hiromi SHIRAI, 白井廣美, 
Jason Enghwa LIM, 林榮華, 
JIA Qianlan, 
Joakim STAMPE, 
John G. BOEHME, 
Kai LAM, 林凱烈, 
KO Siu Lan, 高小蘭, 
LEE Wen, 李文, 
LIN Chi-Wei Eric, 林其蔚, 
LIU Chengying, 劉成英, 
LIU Lushan, 
LIU Wei, 劉緯, 
NG Fongchao Noah, 吳方洲, 
REN Qian, 任前, 
Shinichi ARAI, 荒井真一, 
TRAN Luong, 
WAN Qiao, 萬巧, 
WANG Ting, 王挺, 
WU Chengdian, 吳承典, 
XIANG Xishi, 相西石, 
XING Xin, 幸鑫, 
YAN Cheng, 閆城, 
Yoshinori NIWA, 丹羽良徳, 
ZHANG Yu, 張羽, 

Up-On First International Live Art Festival (2008)

Performance by Liu Lushan (Set of 22 Photographs)

Performance by Lin Chiwei (Set of 7 Photographs)

Performance by Kai Lam: Part 1 of 2 (Set of 17 Photographs)

Performance by He Liping (Set of 4 Photographs)

Performance by Wang Ting (Set of 18 Photographs)

Performance by Gisela Honchuli (Set of 65 Photographs)

Performance by Kai Lam: Part 2 of 2 (Set of 44 Photographs)

Performance by Yan Cheng (Set of 20 Photographs)

Performance by Elvira Santamaria (Set of 11 Photographs)

Performance by Joakim Stampe (Set of 28 Photographs)

Performance by Arai Shinichi (Set of 71 Photographs)

Performance by Duan Yingmei (Set of 8 Photographs)

2008 UP-ON International Live Art Festival Conference (Set of 4 Photographs)

Almost Untitled: Stagger Lee (Set of 36 Photographs)

UP-ON First International Live Art Festival — Poster

UP-ON First International Live Art Festival: 11–12 Oct Schedule

UP-ON International Live Art Festival (Set of 68 Photographs)

Performance by Xing Xin (Set of 38 Photographs)

Performance by Chen Jianjun (Set of 8 Photographs)

Performance by Yoshinori Niwa (Set of 11 Photographs)

Performance by Liu Chengying (Set of 11 Photographs)

Performance by Hiromi Shirai (Set of 9 Photographs)

Performance by Chuyia Chia (Set of 33 Photographs)

Performance by Xiang Xishi (Set of 18 Photographs)

Performance by Jason Lim (Set of 23 Photographs)

Performance by Cai Qing and Dong Jie (Set of 137 Photographs)

Performance by John Boehme (Set of 29 Photographs)

Performance by Tran Luong (Set of 13 Photographs)

Performance by Hilario Alvarez (Set of 53 Photographs)

Performance by Wan Qiao (Set of 22 Photographs)