Taiwan D'ocumenta: Celebrating the Inauguration of the Eighth President Chiang
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1990年12月5日至10月6日 |
CHANG Cheng-Jen, 張正仁, 
HOU Chun-Ming, 侯俊明, 
LEE Ming-Sheng, 李銘盛, 
LIEN Teh-Cheng, 連德誠, 

Betrayal of Form: An Art Record of the Dissidents
形式的背叛 藝術的在野紀錄

From Rebellion Against the System to Rebellion Against Form: Symposium for the Exhibition Celebrating the 8th Inauguration of "President Chiang"

Our Constitution is Finally Put to Use: They Celebrate Lee Teng-hui's Inauguration with Rebellious Art

From Rebellion Against the System to Rebellion Against Form
CHEN Mei-Mao, 陳梅毛

From Rebellion Against Form to Rebellion Against Content
ZHONG Qiao, 鍾喬

Crying Out for Freedom in the Grocery Store!
𥴊仔店裏 哭喊自由!

Art is Not a Weapon for Resistance
LIEN Teh-Cheng, 連德誠

Satirical Art Exhibition Provokes Deep Reflection
反諷美展 省思深刻
XU Hailing, 徐海玲

A Visual Feast of Conceptual Arts: The "Celebrating the Inauguration of the Eighth President Chiang" Exhibition

Is Political Art Forging New Icons of Veneration?
HU Yung-Fen, 胡永芬

Chang Cheng-Jen’s Work “The Party-State” and Hou Chun-Ming's Reshaping of The Presidential Statues
張正仁作品「黨政不分」 侯俊明重塑元首雕像

Li Ming-Sheng and Subaltern Cultural Figures Hold Group Exhibition Satirizing Political Totems
李銘盛等次群體文化人 開聯展嘲諷政治圖騰
HU Yung-Fen, 胡永芬

Theater Space for Diverse Uses: Taiwan Documenta Camps at U Theatre
劇場空間 多元應用:台灣檔案室 紮營優劇場

Taiwan's Modern Art Sprouts! Art World Launches Satirical Exhibition "Celebrating" the Presidential Inauguration
台灣現代藝術萌芽!慶祝總統就職 藝文界推出反諷美展
XU Hailing, 徐海玲

Art is Not a Weapon for Resistance
LIEN Teh-Cheng, 連德誠

Celebrating the Eighth "President Chiang" Inauguration!? Ongoing Political Struggles Inspire Five Artists to Hold a Joint Exhibition
慶祝第八任「蔣總統」就職!? 政爭不息、五位藝術工作者有感辦聯展

A Different Kind of Gift: A Moldy National Flag Cake to Congratulate President "Chiang" Teng-Hui on His Inauguration
不一樣的賀禮 發霉的國旗蛋糕 恭賀「蔣」總統登輝先生就職

"Congratulations" on the Presidential Inauguration: Installation Art "Xing Tian" Counter-Criticizes
「恭賀」總統就職 裝置藝術「刑天」反批

Hou Chun-Ming and His Installation Work "Xing Tian"

Chang Cheng-Jen at His Work "The Party-State"

Li Ming-Sheng and His Work "Our Constitution is Finally Put to Use"

Lien Teh-Cheng and His Work "If President Lee Nominates Me as Premier I Will Not Shy Away and Will Embrace the Responsibility Without Hesitation"

Taiwan Documenta Press Release: Symposium on the Exhibition Celebratng the Inauguration of the Eighth-Term "President Chiang"

Press Material for the Joint Art Exhibition Celebrating the Inauguration of the Eighth-Term President Chiang

Celebrating the Inauguration of the Eighth President Chiang

Taiwan Documenta Official Document Envelope

Art Exhibition Celebrating the Inauguration of the Eighth-Term President Chiang