Venue |
Date |
2003年11月7日至8日 |
'subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold' showcased a total of 16 artists and 41 artworks, including installations, videos, paintings, photography, and sculpture. The exhibition was part of the symposium 'Migrating Images - Reading and Translating Images Transculturally' organised by the House of World Cultures in Berlin. The exhibition explores the various binaries and dichtomies in an urban city through its selection and configuration of artworks, such as propositions about the body and subjectivity.

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition View)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition View)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Preparation)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Preparation)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Preparation)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Preparation)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Preparation)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition Opening)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition Opening)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Preparation)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition Opening)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition View)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition Opening)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition Opening)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition Opening)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition Opening)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition View)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition View)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition View)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition View)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition View)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition View)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition View)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition View)

1 文件
subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold — List of Exhibits

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold — Curator's Note for Exhibition Wall Text

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold — Captions and Wall Text

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold — Floor Plan

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition View)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold (Exhibition View)

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subTerrain: Artworks in the Cityfold — Blurb for Book

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