Venue |
Date |
2008年5月3日至6月4日 |

1 圖片
Looking Back I Accepted Your Invitation (Somewhere Tropical)

2 圖片
Orifice and Colour Field (Red) (Set of 2 Photographs)

2 圖片
Orifice and Colour Field (Yellow #1) (Set of 2 Photographs)

2 圖片
Orifice and Colour Field (Yellow #2) (Set of 2 Photographs)

1 圖片
Burnt Out, Died, Got Some Rest, And Then Waited #1 (Somewhere Tropical)

1 圖片
Burnt Out, Died, Got Some Rest, And Then Waited #2 (Somewhere Tropical)

31 圖片
Shooting Blanks Exhibition Views (Set of 31 Photographs)

14 圖片
Shooting Blanks Exhibition Views (Set of 14 Photographs)

3 圖片
Shooting Blanks Exhibition Views (Set of 3 Photographs)

2 圖片