Venue |
Date |
1997年7月11日至8月17日 |

1 文件
Reunion and Vision: Contemporary Hong Kong Art 1997
回歸與展望:當代香港藝術 1997

1 圖片
No. 136 Reunion and Vision Exhibition 10 July 1997
No. 136 回歸與展望畫展 10 July 1997

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No. 125 The Handover: Painting and Calligraphy Collective Exhibition at Artland Gallery 29 June 1997
No. 125 回歸雅集書畫聯展 藝林畫廊 29 June 1997

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No. 149 Exhibition of WONG Yuenyau 97 A Retrospective Exhibition of CHU Tehchun 97
No. 149 黃遠有畫展 97 朱德群回顧展 97

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No. 138 Reunion and Vision Exhibition 10 July 1997
No. 138 回歸與展望大展 10 July 1997

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No. 137 Reunion and Vision Exhibition 10 July 1997
No. 137 回歸與展望大展 10 July 1997

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No. 135 Confederation of Hong Kong Visual Artists Reunion and Vision Exhibition 10 July 1997
No. 135 視藝人協進會 回歸與展望畫展 10 July 1997

1 文件
Reunion and Vision: Contemporary Hong Kong Art 1997 — Catalogue
回歸與展望:當代香港藝術 1997 — 圖冊

1 文件
Reunion and Vision - Contemporary Hong Kong Art 1997 — Invitation
回歸與展望—當代香港藝術一九九七 — 邀請卡