Title type
Venue |
Date |
2010年6月26日 |

1 文件
Arts Entertainment License Statement of Account, 21 June 2010

1 圖片
Rooted In The Ephemeral Speak #05-2010 — Poster

1 文件
Rooted In The Ephemeral Speak R.I.T.E.S. #05-2010 Artist Statements; Overview of Completed Projects from August 2009 to May 2010 and Proposed Projects

57 圖片
Performance by Sophia Natasha Wei at R.I.T.E.S. #05-2010 (Set of 57 Photographs)

66 圖片
Performance by Mideo Cruz at R.I.T.E.S. #05-2010 (Set of 66 Photographs)

77 圖片
Performance by Justin Lee at R.I.T.E.S. #05-2010 (Set of 77 Photographs)

78 圖片
Performance by Andrée Weschler at R.I.T.E.S. #05-2010 (Set of 78 Photographs)

1 視聽資料
Performance by Justin Lee at R.I.T.E.S. June 2010

109 圖片
Performance by Jacklyn Soo at R.I.T.E.S. #05-2010 (Set of 109 Photographs)

93 圖片