Venue |
Date |
1991年10月18日至24日 |
1991年12月18日至31日 |
1992年1月11日至18日 |
First Institute of Art and Design Gallery (Kowloon School), Hong Kong | 大一藝術設計學院展覽廳 (九龍分校) |
1992年2月17日至28日 |
Aser BUT, 畢子融, 
Bing LEE, 李秉罡, 
CHEUNG Kingkwong, 張景光, 
CHOW Suk Fan Josephine, 周淑芬, 
CHU Hing Wah, 朱興華, 
CHUNG Tai Fu, 鍾大富, 
Eddy CHAN, 陳銘匡, 
Frog King KWOK Mang Ho, 郭孟浩 蛙王, 
Gaylord CHAN, 陳餘生, 
HA Bik Chuen, 夏碧泉, 
KO Wahman Norman, 高華文, 
LAI Minghoi Victor, 黎明海, 
Leonardo LI, 李耀鴻, 
LEUNG Chi Ming Patrick, 梁志明, 
LI Rihuang, 黎日晃, 
LI Wanfai Danny, 李運輝, 
LUI Chun Kwong, 呂振光, 
LUI Fung Ngar Eddie, 呂豐雅, 
Stephen YAU, 游榮光, 
TONG King Sum, 唐景森, 
WONG Keechee, 黃奇智, 
WONG Pingkwong, 黃炳光, 
WONG Shun Kit, 王純杰, 
WU Manwai, 胡文偉, 

No. 145 The Visual Art Society Annual Exhibition 18 October 1991
No. 145 視覺藝術協會年展 18 October 1991

No. 146 The Visual Art Society Annual Exhibition 18 October 1991
No. 146 視覺年展 18 October 1991

No. 148 The Visual Art Society Annual Exhibition 91 18 October 1991
No. 148 視覺年展 91 18 October 1991

No. 149 The Visual Art Society Annual Exhibition 18 October 1991
No. 149 視覺年展 18 October 1991

No. 150 The Visual Art Society Annual Exhibition 91 18 October 1991
No. 150 視覺藝展 91 18 October 1991

No. 151 Paintings by Yank Wong 23 October 1991
No. 151 黃仁逵畫展 23 October 1991

No. 152 Paintings by Yank Wong and International Ex-Libris Exhibition 23 October 1991
No. 152 黃仁逵畫展 ‧ 書票展 23 October 1991

No. 152 Paintings by Yank Wong 23 October 1991
No. 152 黃仁逵畫展 23 October 1991

Neo-Senses: Alternative Work of Art — Invitation
新形「色」展覽﹒另類作品展 — 邀請卡