The Actuality of the Experience at the Moment, 
Venue |
Date |
The basement of Shanghai Educational Hall , Shanghai, China | 上海教育會堂車庫 |
1991年11月22日至24日 |
GENG Jianyi, 耿建翌, 
GONG Jianqing, 龔建慶, 
HE Yang, 何暘, 
HU Jianping, 胡建平, 
NI Haifeng, 倪海峰, 
SONG Haidong, 宋海冬, 
SUN Liang, 孫良, 
The exhibition was sponsored by Shanghai Young Artists’ Association and the preparatory committee of Garage Show 91’, and was curated by Song Haidong and other participating artists.
YANG Xu and ZHOU Tiehai withdrew from the exhibition.
主辦:上海青年美術家協會,《車庫藝術展91》籌委會 策劃:宋海冬及其他參展藝術家 楊旭及周鐵海退出展覽

A History of Exhibitions: Shanghai 1979–2006 上海展覽史:1979-2006

Notes on 'Shanghai Garage '91 Art Show'
WU Liang, 吳亮

Ni Haifeng, Hu Jianping, and Sun Liang at 'Garage Show'

'Ru Yi' Piano Device for Itch Relief (Exhibition View)
HU Jianping, 胡建平

Letter from Song Haidong to Francesca Dal Lago, 16 October 1992
SONG Haidong, 宋海冬

Letter from Song Haidong to Francesca Dal Lago, October 1992
SONG Haidong, 宋海冬

Letter from Song Haidong to Francesca Dal Lago, 6 September 1992
SONG Haidong, 宋海冬

Letter from Song Haidong to Francesca Dal Lago, 1 September 1992
SONG Haidong, 宋海冬

About Garage Show 91 — Report on the Reality of the "Contemporary Experience"
SONG Haidong, 宋海冬

Artworks by Hu Jianping, with Hand-written Caption

Letter from Sun Liang to Li Xianting, 1991
SUN Liang, 孫良

Announcement No. 3 (Hygiene) (Exhibition View)
ZHANG Peili, 張培力

Artists at the Exhibition Opening of Garage Show
藝術家在 《車庫藝術展》 展覽開幕

Broadcasting to the Village (Exhibition View)
向農村廣播 (展覽現場)
NI Haifeng, 倪海峰

Broadcasting to the Village (Detail)
向農村廣播 (細節)
NI Haifeng, 倪海峰

Broadcasting to the Village (Detail)
向農村廣播 (細節)
NI Haifeng, 倪海峰

Works by Hu Jianping (Set of 8 Photographs)
胡建平作品 (8張照片)

Works by Geng Jianyi (Set of 4 Photographs)
耿建翌作品 (4張照片)

Song Haidong, 'Garage Show', Shanghai, 1991

Rescue Love from the Foolishness of Sex
1989 ~ 1990