Venue |
Date |
2010年4月7日至11日 |
2010年4月7日至11日 |
Alastair MACLENNAN, 
Amanda HENG, 王良吟, 
anGie Seah, 
Black Market International, 
Jacques VAN POPPEL, 
Jason Enghwa LIM, 林榮華, 
Jeremy HIAH, 邢萬和, 
Juliana YASIN, 
Jurgen FRITZ, 
Kai LAM, 林凱烈, 
LEE Wen, 李文, 
Lynn LU, 
Sabrina KOH Li-lin, 
Witchukorn TANGPAIBOON, 
Kai LAM, 林凱烈, 

Future of Imagination 6: International Performance Art Event Singapore 2010
Jonas STAMPE, LEE Wen, 李文, OLSSON WANG Kaimei, YAP Teckcheng June, 葉德晶

1 視聽資料
Performance by Jacques van Poppel at 'Future of Imagination 6'

1 視聽資料
Performance by Tang Da Wu at 'Future of Imagination 6 Forum'

83 圖片
Performance by Vichukorn Tangpaiboon at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 83 Photographs)

43 圖片
Performance by Zai Kuning at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 43 Photographs)

1 視聽資料
Performance by Zai Kuning at 'Future of Imagination 6'

1 視聽資料
Performance by Vichukorn Tangpaiboon at 'Future of Imagination 6'

48 圖片
Setting Up for Future of Imagination 6 (Set of 48 Photographs)

64 圖片
Future of Imagination 6 Forum (Set of 64 Photographs)

58 圖片
Beauty Auction at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 58 Photographs)

122 圖片
Performance by Jacques van Poppel at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 122 Photographs)

124 圖片
Juliana Yasin and Jatiwangi Art Factory at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 124 Photographs)

1 視聽資料
Performance by Elvira Santamaria at 'Future of Imagination 6'

1 視聽資料
Performance by Black Market International at 'Future of Imagination 6'

1 視聽資料
Performance by Jason Lim at 'Future of Imagination 6'

95 圖片
Performance by Tang Da Wu at 'Future of Imagination 6 Forum' (Set of 95 Photographs)

1 視聽資料
Beauty Auction: Jeremy Hiah at 'Future of Imagination 6'

1 視聽資料
Performance by Kai Lam at 'Future of Imagination 6'

108 圖片
Performance by Jason Lim at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 108 Photographs)

1 文件
Future of Imagination 6: Volunteer Testimonial
Kai LAM, 林凱烈, LEE Wen, 李文

1 文件
Letter from Arts Fund to Lee Wen on Grant Award for Future of Imagination 6, 1 December 2009

1 文件
Letter of Offer from National Arts Council Singapore to Lee Wen, 21 January 2010

1 文件
Payment Advice from National Arts Council, 18 March 2010

1 文件
Payment Advice from National Arts Council, 6 May 2010

1 文件
Payment Advice from National Arts Council, 8 June 2010

Performance Artist Talks: A Special Seminar on Performance Art

1 圖片
For Peace and Togetherness: Tante Jules dan Pemuda Inisiatif

69 圖片
Performance by Kai Lam at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 69 Photographs)

167 圖片
Performance by Alastair MacLennan at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 167 Photographs)

100 圖片
Performance by Amanda Heng at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 100 Photographs)

41 圖片
Performance by Angie Seah at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 41 Photographs)

63 圖片
Performance by Boris Nieslony at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 63 Photographs)

1 視聽資料
Performance by Angie Seah at 'Future of Imagination 6'

124 圖片
Performance by Elvira Santamaria at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 124 Photographs)

74 圖片
Performance by Marco Teubner at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 74 Photographs)

145 圖片
Performance by Julie Andree T at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 145 Photographs)

1 視聽資料
Performance by Boris Nieslony at 'Future of Imagination 6'

1 視聽資料
Performance by Julie Andree T at 'Future of Imagination 6'

43 圖片
Performance by Jurgen Fritz & Boris Nieslony at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 43 Photographs)

1 視聽資料
Performance by Jurgen Fritz and Boris Nieslony at 'Future of Imagination 6'

1 視聽資料
Performance by Sabrina Koh at 'Future of Imagination 6'

102 圖片
Performance by Lee Wen at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 102 Photographs)

1 視聽資料
Performance by Lee Wen at 'Future of Imagination 6'

32 圖片
Performance by Lynn Lu at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 32 Photographs)

1 視聽資料
Performance by Lynn Lu at 'Future of Imagination 6'

1 視聽資料
Performance by Marco Teubner at 'Future of Imagination 6'

89 圖片
Performance by Melati Suryodarmo at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 89 Photographs)

1 視聽資料
Performance by Melati Suryodarmo at 'Future of Imagination 6'

39 圖片
Performance by Myriam Laplante at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 39 Photographs)

1 視聽資料
Performance by Myriam Laplante at 'Future of Imagination 6'

66 圖片
Performance by Norbert Klassen at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 66 Photographs)

1 視聽資料
Performance by Norbert Klassen at 'Future of Imagination 6'

75 圖片
Performance by Roi Vaara at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 75 Photographs)

1 視聽資料
Performance by Roi Vaara at 'Future of Imagination 6'

72 圖片
Performance by Sabrina Koh at 'Future of Imagination 6' (Set of 72 Photographs)

1 文件
Application for the Use of Sculpture Square
LEE Wen, 李文