
Graham Durward, 'America, Does It Exist?', 1985, Oil on Canvas, 183.5 x 168cm
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Graham Durward, 'America, Does It Exist?', 1985, Oil on Canvas, 183.5 x 168cm


Cries and Whispers: Exhibition of British Paintings in the 1980s—Photo Documentation
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Cries and Whispers: Exhibition of British Paintings in the 1980s—Photo Documentation

Andrew Stahl, 'Bird and Fountain', 1985, Oil on Canvas, 152.5 x 121.9cm
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Andrew Stahl, 'Bird and Fountain', 1985, Oil on Canvas, 152.5 x 121.9cm


Paula Rego, 'Snare', 1987, Acrylic on Canvas-backed Paper, 150 x 150cm
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Paula Rego, 'Snare', 1987, Acrylic on Canvas-backed Paper, 150 x 150cm


Jock McFadyen, 'Even Dwarves...', 1987, Oil on Canvas, 198.2 x 134.5cm
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Jock McFadyen, 'Even Dwarves...', 1987, Oil on Canvas, 198.2 x 134.5cm


Lisa Milroy, 'Stamps', 1986, Oil on Canvas, 189.2 x 198.1cm
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Lisa Milroy, 'Stamps', 1986, Oil on Canvas, 189.2 x 198.1cm


Ansel Krut, 'Woman With Monkey', 1985, Oil on Canvas, 176 x 118cm
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Ansel Krut, 'Woman With Monkey', 1985, Oil on Canvas, 176 x 118cm


Christopher Le Brun, 'Heartland', 1986, Oil on Canvas, 178 x 167cm
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Christopher Le Brun, 'Heartland', 1986, Oil on Canvas, 178 x 167cm


Andrzej Jackowsi, 'Tower of Copernicus', 1983, Oil on Canvas, 147.5 x 132cm
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Andrzej Jackowsi, 'Tower of Copernicus', 1983, Oil on Canvas, 147.5 x 132cm


Stephen Farthing, 'Traditional Cover', 1985, Oil and Wax on Canvas, 123 x 107cm
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Stephen Farthing, 'Traditional Cover', 1985, Oil and Wax on Canvas, 123 x 107cm


Cries and Whispers: An Exhibition of British Paintings in the 1980s
1 文件

Cries and Whispers: An Exhibition of British Paintings in the 1980s

吶喊與細訴 英國繪畫八十年代

Mickey Donnelly, 'Connolly's Hat with Lilies', 1987, Oil on Canvas, 152.4 x 152.4cm
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Mickey Donnelly, 'Connolly's Hat with Lilies', 1987, Oil on Canvas, 152.4 x 152.4cm


Vivien Blackett, 'Tower, Scarf', 1987, Oil on Canvas, 99 x 114cm
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Vivien Blackett, 'Tower, Scarf', 1987, Oil on Canvas, 99 x 114cm


Graham Crowley, 'Kitchen Life II', 1982, Oil on Canvas, 152.5 x 122cm
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Graham Crowley, 'Kitchen Life II', 1982, Oil on Canvas, 152.5 x 122cm


Terry Atkinson, 'Art for the Bunker 7: Bunker in Armagh 11: Ancient Gaelic Ghost After Completing a Tour of Duty Passing Through an Ideological Decontamination Shower Before Going Off Duty...', 1985, Pastel and Conte on Paper, 120 x 107.5cm
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Terry Atkinson, 'Art for the Bunker 7: Bunker in Armagh 11: Ancient Gaelic Ghost After Completing a Tour of Duty Passing Through an Ideological Decontamination Shower Before Going Off Duty...', 1985, Pastel and Conte on Paper, 120 x 107.5cm


Tony Bevan, 'Tender Possessions', 1986, Charcoal and Pigment on Canvas, 210.5 x 119.5cm
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Tony Bevan, 'Tender Possessions', 1986, Charcoal and Pigment on Canvas, 210.5 x 119.5cm


No. 039 Pat HUI's Exhibition Exhibition of ZHOU Huajun's Works 2 April 1993
Pat Hui's Painting Exhibition. Exhibition of Zhou Huajun's Works
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Pat Hui's Painting Exhibition. Exhibition of Zhou Huajun's Works

許雪碧畫展 周華君作品展

No. 017 Chinese New Art 31 January 1993
No. 017 Chinese New Art 31 January 1993
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No. 017 Chinese New Art 31 January 1993

No. 017 中國新藝術 31 January 1993

No. 008 English School Children's Works Exhibition 16 January 1993
No. 008 English School Children's Works Exhibition 16 January 1993
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No. 008 English School Children's Works Exhibition 16 January 1993

No. 008 英文學校兒童作品展 16 January 1993

No. 074 Children's Drawings in Culture Corner Art Academy 8 August 1993
No. 074 Children's Drawings in Culture Corner Art Academy 8 August 1993
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No. 074 Children's Drawings in Culture Corner Art Academy 8 August 1993

No. 074 文苑畫院兒童畫 8 August 1993

No. 073 The 'Dark Wind' Couple's Visit to Hong Kong 1 August 1993
No. 073 The 'Dark Wind' Couple's Visit to Hong Kong 1 August 1993
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No. 073 The 'Dark Wind' Couple's Visit to Hong Kong 1 August 1993

No. 073 黑風夫婦訪港 1 August 1993