
Cities on the Move 3
1 圖片

Cities on the Move 3

移動中的城市 3

Artwork by Aglaia Konrad (Exhibition View)
1 圖片

Artwork by Aglaia Konrad (Exhibition View)

You are Here
1 圖片

You are Here

Cities on the Move 3 (Exhibition View)
1 圖片

Cities on the Move 3 (Exhibition View)

移動中的城市 3 (展覽現場)

Cities on the Move 3 (Exhibition View)
1 圖片

Cities on the Move 3 (Exhibition View)

移動中的城市 3 (展覽現場)

Red Golf (Exhibition View)
1 圖片

Red Golf (Exhibition View)

Cities on the Move 3 (Exhibition View)
1 圖片

Cities on the Move 3 (Exhibition View)

移動中的城市 3 (展覽現場)

Eco Media City
1 圖片

Eco Media City

IMG_0026 Wang Junjieh, billboard from Cities on The  Move 3, exhibition at PS1,1999 284951
Work by Liew Kung Yu, exhibition view at Cities on The Move 3
1 圖片

Work by Liew Kung Yu, exhibition view at Cities on The Move 3

Cities on the Move 3
Cities on the Move 3

Cities on the Move 3

On site only
Letter from Evan Douglis to Hou Hanru, 2 October 1998
1 文件

Letter from Evan Douglis to Hou Hanru, 2 October 1998

IMG_0027 Installation view,  Cities on The  Move 3 at PS1, 1999
Exhibition view of 'Cities on the Move 3'
1 圖片

Exhibition view of 'Cities on the Move 3'

《移動中的城市 3》展覽現場