In describing Wucius Wong’s landscape series presented in this exhibition catalogue, Pamela Kember writes, ‘We believe these paintings are “about” landscapes, Wong’s shapes, colours, contours and forms do not present us with easily recognizable subject matter. The paintings hold, not so much things that resemble mountains, rivers, mists and vegetation, but rather the imprint of emerging landscapes, constantly in a flux of time and space.’ Trained in Chinese painting and knowledgeable of Chinese ancient language and poetry, Wong was able to convey the traditional subject matter with new technical means and new modes of representation, gained through his contacts with Western art and graphics. The abstract representations of landscapes seen in these paintings are results of the artist’s personal re-evaluation of the past. Artist’s biography is included.
Pamela Kember在評價王無邪的山水系列時曾提到:『我們覺得畫作是「關於」山水的,因為畫中的形與色、輪廓與質體,雖引起山川雲草木聯想,卻沒有呈示容易辨認的物象,而特別強調的,則是時空幻變中山水成形的過程。』王無邪有深厚的中國繪畫根柢,對古典詩詞歌賦亦頗有研究,因此,當他借用西方藝術和平面造型的一些新技巧和表現形式來描繪傳統主題時,益發得心應手。本系列的抽象山水正是王無邪總結以往經驗時的一些個人體會。本圖錄亦載有藝術家的簡歷。
Chinese - Traditional, 
oil painting,  acrylic painting,  landscape,  abstraction,  solo exhibition
artist monograph, 
Wucius Wong and Modern Classic (in English only) - CHANG Tsongzung Johnson, 張頌仁
Mountains and Memories - Pamela KEMBER
Wucius Wong: Eastern moods, western modes, 王無邪:東夢西尋

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