'In this exhibition "When Words are Sweet", Au Hoi-lam demonstrates her concept of "painting=memorandum" to the fullest extent. Touched by the Poem of You and I written by Guan Daosheng, the wife of Zhao Mengfu, Yuan Dynasty, she created a series of works depicting sweet love. Various figures, both human and otherwise, reveal insipid, scrappy moments of affection in her life. Things in pairs, including toothbrushes, slippers and cell phones, as well as tokens of love including handkerchiefs with printed patterns, soft words of care and sweet promises between lovers... all these things are bound up with Au Hoi-lam's recollections and aspirations about love. And yet, since this sweetness comes from past memories and only exists as recollections, it also carries a kind of bitterness. Moreover, because the "sweet" images that appear in the paintings could refer to present or bygone times, it is difficult to distinguish between reality, memory and longing. Through paintings, Au Hoi-lam reflects on her life experiences, pursues her inner aspirations, recollects beautiful things in life, and clings to bygone precious moments... in this mixed state of mind, happiness and pain both come easily.' - extracted from the introduction.
Artist statement is included in the present catalogue.
據本圖錄的序言所述:「在《甜言蜜語》展覽裏,區凱琳進一步將『繪畫=備忘錄』這概念淋漓地發揮。受元趙孟頫妻管道昇的《我儂詞》觸動下,區凱琳創作了一系列描寫甜蜜愛情的小品,畫中的各式圖像,無論是人與物,均表現了生活裡平淡但親暱的細碎片段。畫中雙雙對對的牙刷、拖鞋、手提電話、象徵愛情信物的印花手帕、愛侶間噓寒問暖的綿綿情話、熱戀中彼此間的甜美承諾 …… 都是區凱琳對甜蜜愛情的玩味與嚮往。然而,甜蜜往往出現在回味的狀態下,它存在於將逝與追溯之間,滲透出絲絲苦澀,畫面上呈現的甜蜜景象可能是現實的境況,也可以是逝去的記憶,更可能純然是內心的冀盼 …… 真實、回憶與憧憬之間已變得模糊難辨。區凱琳藉着繪畫的過程,回憶生活的經歷、追求內心的渴望、惦記美好的事物、眷戀已逝的佳景良辰 …… 在這種委婉縈繞的心境中,快樂與傷痛的召喚處於一線間,彷佛希望從微弱的剌痛中感受自身存在的氣息,完成自我治療的目的。」本圖錄載有藝術家的創作自述。
Chinese - Traditional, 
painting,  acrylic painting,  solo exhibition
artist monograph, 
When Words are Sweet...Paintings by Au Hoi-lam, 甜言蜜語─區凱琳的繪畫

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