The present publication is produced on the occasion of the above captioned exhibition, which brings together works by artists involved in artist-run spaces and collectives in Sydney, Singapore and Berlin. The idea is to highlight the important contribution that these networks play in supporting artistic practice and in contributing to a dynamic artistic culture. Each of the participating artists has contributed some writing about their artwork. Artist biographies are provided.
group exhibition,  artist group,  collective practice,  independent art space,  performance art,  public art,  installation
Situation - Russell STORER
Against the Centre: The Political Autonomy of Artist-Run Spaces - Alex GAWRONSKI
Don't Ask, Don't Tell - Anne KAY
Briefcase - Simon BARNEY
The Artists Village - Joanna LEE, 李美玲
A Brief Chronology of The Artists Village - KOH Nguanghow, 許元豪
Artists Investigating Monuments - Kai LAM, 林凱烈
About Sparwasser HQ - Lise NELLEMANN
Art Vis-a-vis: Meeting as Medium - Solvej Helweg OVESEN
Situation: Collaborations, Collectives and Artist Networks from Sydney, Singapore and Berlin

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