This is a monograph of a solo exhibition by the artist/designer Kan Taikeung at the Macau museum in 1988. Kan's mountains and stones are done in the traditional Chinese technique, yet suggesting a simpler and purer structure and lines than the traditional ones. Kan embraces nature by employing natural views, different spaces, weather changes or even the delay of time in just one painting, such that his ink paintings can elegantly cultivate with emotion. An introduction by Wong Mingtin is included. Artist's biography and list of works are included.
Chinese - Traditional, 
landscape,  ink painting,  tradition,  solo exhibition
artist monograph, 
「光輝的一頁」— 靳埭強的藝術里程 - Aser BUT, 畢子融
Mountains & Beyond Kan Taikeung's 20 Years of Chinese Painting, 山外之山:靳埭強繪事二十年

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