This interview was conducted at Michael Murray's home in New York City on 31 October 2009.
Michael Murray is a Professor of Philosophy at Vassar College, New York.
Murray received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from Yale University in 1968, his M.A. from the University of Texas in 1965 and his B.A. from the University of Notre Dame in 1963. As Professor of Philosophy at Vassar College since 1970, Murray has specialized in Continental Philosophy (the work of Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault and Derrida) with current interests in the philosophy of art, deconstruction, ethics and queer theory. He has also held visiting appointments at Yale University, the University of Turin (Italy) and Peking University.
Murray is the author of several books, including Heidegger: Critical Essays (editor and contributor), Modern Critical Theory and Recent Developments in Aesthetics: Hermeneutics and Deconstruction (in Chinese, and originally entitled Hermeneutics, Deconstruction and the Great Wall of China). In the 1980s, Murray lectured at Peking University on Western philosophy and curated one of the earliest exhibitions of experimental art from China, called 'Avant-Garde Chinese Art: Beijing/New York' at the City Gallery in New York (1986).
Michael Murray 是紐約瓦瑟學院的哲學教授。
Murray 於1963年聖母大學獲文學士學位、1965年在德克薩斯州立大學獲碩士學位、1968年獲得耶魯大學哲學博士學位。1970年起任瓦瑟學院哲學教授,教授歐陸哲學(黑格爾、尼采、海德格爾、福柯、德理達等著作),尤其關注哲學裡的藝術、解構、道德及酷兒理論等議題。他也是耶魯大學、都靈大學、北京大學的訪問學者。
Murray 的著作包括 Heidegger: Critical Essays (任編輯及作者之一)、Modern Critical Theory 及 Recent Developments in Aesthetics: Hermeneutics and Deconstruction (原題目為 Hermeneutics, Deconstruction and the Great Wall of China)。
八十年代Murray 在北京大學主講西方哲學講座。1986年,他在紐約City Gallery策劃了《Avant-Garde Chinese Art - Beijing-New York》展,是在紐約最早的中國前衛藝術展之一。
In 2006, Asia Art Archive began a focused archiving project called 'Materials of the Future: Documenting Contemporary Chinese Art from 1980-1990'. This project aimed at developing a comprehensive collection of primary research materials including books, periodicals, newspapers, exhibition brochures, invitations, video recordings, correspondence, and other relevant documents.
As part of this project, AAA digitised more than 80,000 items of material from personal archives to include artists Mao Xuhui, Wu Shanzhuan, Zhang Xiaogang, and Zhang Peili; curators and critics Fei Dawei, Lu Peng, and Zheng Shengtian; as well as the archives of Tokyo Art Gallery. As part of the research process over 75 in-depth interviews with key artists, curators, and critics were conducted. From a portion of these interviews, AAA created a documentary film about experimental art in South China (Guangzhou) in the 1980s entitled From Jean-Paul Sartre to Teresa Teng: Contemporary Cantonese Art in the 1980s.
AAA’s 1980s archiving project culminated with the launch of a comprehensive website portal called in September 2010.
Fang Wen: Michael Murray
event photograph/recording, 
interview documentation
Interview: Michael Murray (Chinese subtitles), 訪問:Michael Murray

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