This interview was conducted in Nanjing Square Gallery of Contemporary Art on 5 March 2009.
Li Xiaoshan (b. 1957) is an art critic and Director of the Nanjing Square Gallery of Contemporary Art.
Between 1980 and 1987, Li studied as an undergraduate and postgraduate at the Nanjing Arts Institute. He has taught at the school since his graduation and is now its Deputy Director of Contemporary Art Research.
In July 1985, Li published the controversial article titled 'My View on Contemporary Chinese Painting' in the Jiangsu Pictorial (Jiangsu huakan) about the state of Chinese ink painting at that time. The article aroused much debate and became one of the most important critical essays of the 1980s. Li’s other published works include History of Painting in China (Zhongguo xiandai huihua shi) (1986), What Are We Facing? (Women miandui shenme) (2002), and The Epic of the Trojan Horse (Muma shishi) (2003), to name a few.
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李小山, 1957年出生,藝術評論家。南京四方當代美術館館長。
1980年考入南京藝術學院美術系;1984年考取同校碩士研究生;1987年畢業後留校任教至今。現亦兼任該校當代美術研究所副所長。李小山曾於1985年7月的《江蘇畫刊》上刊登 〈當代中國畫之我見〉,引起極大爭論。
In 2006, Asia Art Archive began a focused archiving project called 'Materials of the Future: Documenting Contemporary Chinese Art from 1980-1990'. This project aimed at developing a comprehensive collection of primary research materials including books, periodicals, newspapers, exhibition brochures, invitations, video recordings, correspondence, and other relevant documents.
As part of this project, AAA digitised more than 80,000 items of material from personal archives to include artists Mao Xuhui, Wu Shanzhuan, Zhang Xiaogang, and Zhang Peili; curators and critics Fei Dawei, Lu Peng, and Zheng Shengtian; as well as the archives of Tokyo Art Gallery. As part of the research process over 75 in-depth interviews with key artists, curators, and critics were conducted. From a portion of these interviews, AAA created a documentary film about experimental art in South China (Guangzhou) in the 1980s entitled From Jean-Paul Sartre to Teresa Teng: Contemporary Cantonese Art in the 1980s.
AAA’s 1980s archiving project culminated with the launch of a comprehensive website portal called www.china1980s.org in September 2010.
Interview with Li Xiaoshan (Transcript, Simplified Chinese), 訪問:李小山(抄本, 簡體中文)
File size: 444 KB View full documentInterview with Li Xiaoshan (Transcript, Simplified Chinese), 訪問:李小山(抄本, 簡體中文)

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