Catalogue of Bui Xuan Phai's exhibition at Thavibu Gallery, Bangkok in 2006, featuring works produced in the period 1950-1988. 'Bui Xuan Phai is often considered the most well known, and influential of Vietnamese artists in the second half of the 20th century. The works in the catalogue hail form the private collection of Van Duong Thanh, an artistic soul mate and a respected and accomplished artist in her own right. These are mostly works on paper - drawings and paintings on a variety of paper media, even newspaper and pages torn out of books, as paper was hard to come by at times. Most of the works are portraits. Many of them are of his friends in Hanoi. They are intimate representations by a master who captured the essence of his models' personalities with exquisite precision.' - extracted from foreword by Jorn Middelborg.
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Location code
drawing,  painting,  figure,  solo exhibition
Publication/Creation date
No of copies
Content type
artist monograph, 
Chapter headings
Bui Xuan Phai - Ther Artist of Hanoi - Shireen NAZIREE
Remembering Bui Xuan Phai - VAN Duong Thanh
Portraits of Van Duong Thanh - Van Duong Duc Son
Art works by Bui Xuan Phai: from the collection of Van Duong Thanh

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