Articles of this issue include:
Avant-Grade Chinese Artist's Statement - Wenda Gu's new installation 'Red Black White Desert' at the University Art Museum of the California State University/Long Beach.
Exhibitions news of Ming Fay, Zhang Hongtu, Hou Wenyi, Wu Jian and Zhang Wei.
Chen Brothers at Hammer Gallery - an exhibition of Chen Yifei and Chen Yiming.
New Journey of Yunnan School - an exhibition of paintings by Ding Shaoguang at The Galerie Bernheim in Paris.
CHEN Yifei, 陳逸飛,  CHEN Yiming, 陳逸明,  DING Shaoguang, 丁绍光,  Ming FAY, 費明杰,  GU Wenda, 谷文達,  HOU Wenyi, 侯文怡,  WANG Zhenghua, 王征驊,  Jian Wu, 吳健,  ZHANG Hongtu, 張宏圖,  ZHANG Wei (b. 1952), 張偉
Chinese - Simplified
Chinese Art Newsletter, Fall 1990, Vol. 2, 中國藝術通訊,1990年秋季,第二期
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Chinese Art Newsletter, Fall 1990, Vol. 2, 中國藝術通訊,1990年秋季,第二期

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