Zheng Shengtian Archive 鄭勝天檔案
Artist Files 藝術家檔案

1 Document
'Artist's Statement' by Meng Luding and '"The Secret Life of Belly and Bone" - The Art of Meng Luding" by Denis Mair

1 Document
'Beyond 12 Nautical Miles: Floating Rock Drifts on the Open Sea' — Proposal
跨越12 海里 - 公海浮石漂流方案2000

1 Document
ZHAN Wang, 展望
'Conceptual Sculpture' — Materialistic Concept
“觀念性雕塑” ─ 物質化的觀念ZHAN Wang, 展望

1 Document
A collection of protest letters against Gu Wenda's work exhibited in 'Mao Goes Pop'
1 Document
A magazine article on "The Most Populer Chinese Painters" with Wang Chuan's handwritten notes on it
雜誌文章‘盤點記憶 ─ 中國畫家人氣值報表‘,上有王川手寫文字
1 Document
A Meditation on Human Beings: Reading 'Eternal Dialogue' by Jian Jun Zhang
WU Liang, 吳亮
1 Document