Zheng Shengtian Archive 鄭勝天檔案
Lecture Notes & Teaching Materials from the 1980s 八十年代講義及教育材料

1 Document
ZHENG Shengtian, 鄭勝天
Circa 1980
The 10th & the 11st Talk — The Third Face: Art of Anti-Art: The Feature of Art is a 'Problem'
第十、十一講 — 第三種面貌:反藝術的藝術: 藝術的面貌是「問題」ZHENG Shengtian, 鄭勝天
Circa 1980

1 Document
New Dimensions in Artists' Materials (Translated Text)
ZHENG Shengtian, 鄭勝天1983

1 Document
French Post Impressionist Painter - Gauguin (Video Subtitles)
1 Document
ZHENG Shengtian, 鄭勝天
Movements and Painters in Europe from 19th Century to Early 20th Century
十九世紀到二十世紀初的歐洲畫家及潮流ZHENG Shengtian, 鄭勝天