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Letter from Hou Wenyi to Zheng Shengtian, 27 October 1990

HOU Wenyi, 侯文怡
The First Chinese Art Seminar Workshop — Name List of Artists Applied (Till November 20, 1990)
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The First Chinese Art Seminar Workshop — Name List of Artists Applied (Till November 20, 1990)

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The First Chinese Art Seminar/Workshop — Application Form (Han Xin)

Xin HAN, 韓辛
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The First Chinese Art Seminar/Workshop — Application Form (Huang Yali)

HUANG Yali, 黃雅莉
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The First Chinese Art Seminar/Workshop — Application Form (Li Mo)

LI Mo, 李默
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The First Chinese Art Seminar/Workshop — Application Form (Ruan Jie)

RUAN Jie, 阮杰
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The First Chinese Art Seminar/Workshop — Application Form (Sun Ren)

SUN Ren, 孫人
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The First Chinese Art Seminar/Workshop — Application Form (Wang Jianwei)

WANG Jianwei, 汪建偉
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The First Chinese Art Seminar/Workshop — Application Form (Yang Qian)

YANG Qian, 楊千
(14 Chinese Artists Gather In San Diego: The First Chinese Art Seminar/Workshop Opens)
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14 Chinese Artists Gather In San Diego: The First Chinese Art Seminar/Workshop Opens

14位藝術家聚集聖地牙哥: 首屆中國美術研討會揭幕
A Message from the Director
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A Message from the Director

ZHENG Shengtian, 鄭勝天
Circa 1991
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An Open Door: Art Exchange between China and The West and its Results (Draft)

ZHENG Shengtian, 鄭勝天
Circa 1991
Broadcast Coverage Report of an Interview with Zheng Shengtian
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Broadcast Coverage Report of an Interview with Zheng Shengtian

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Broken China

Circa 1991
Certificate of Recognition Issued by San Diego State University to Zheng Shengtian
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Certificate of Recognition Issued by San Diego State University to Zheng Shengtian

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Chen Danqing, Zhang Qiang and Ruan Jie

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Chinese Art Meets West — Lecture by ZhengShengtian

Chinese Art Meets West — Packaging Measurement
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Chinese Art Meets West — Packaging Measurement

Circa 1991
Chinese Art in the Pacific Coast in Summer — The First Chinese Art Seminar/Workshop
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Chinese Art in the Pacific Coast in Summer — The First Chinese Art Seminar/Workshop

太平洋岸的中國藝術之夏 - 記第一次中國藝術創作研討會
ZHENG Shengtian, 鄭勝天
Chinese Contemporary Art After Tiananmen Square
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Chinese Contemporary Art After Tiananmen Square

ZHENG Shengtian, 鄭勝天
Circa 1991