1985 Oil Painting Conference 油畫藝術討論會 (Huangshan)
Oil Painting Art Conference - Exploring the New Realm of Oil Paintings, 油畫藝術討論會論文- 開拓中國油畫的新境界

In the 1985 Oil Painting Art Conference (Huangshan Hui Yi) in Jing County, An Hui, Zheng Shengtian presented the paper '(Exploring the New Realm of Oil Paintings)', in which he advocated for new creations in oil paintings.
The article was also published in Xin Mei Shu, 1985 vol. 4.
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Oil Painting Art Conference - Exploring the New Realm of Oil Paintings, 油畫藝術討論會論文- 開拓中國油畫的新境界
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Oil Painting Art Conference - Exploring the New Realm of Oil Paintings, 油畫藝術討論會論文- 開拓中國油畫的新境界

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