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Certificate of Participation in the Exhibition China/Avant-Garde

中國現代藝術展 — 參展證書
Certificate of Participation for Beijing Xisanhuan Art Research Document Exhibition (Chongqing)
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Certificate of Participation for Beijing Xisanhuan Art Research Document Exhibition (Chongqing)

北京西三環藝術研究文獻(資料)展 (重慶)參展證明
Notice of Participation for Beijing Xisanhuan Art Research Document Exhibition (Nanjing)
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Notice of Participation for Beijing Xisanhuan Art Research Document Exhibition (Nanjing)

北京西三環藝術研究文獻(資料)展 · 南京巡迴展參展通知書
Der Abschied von der Ideologie: Neue Kunst aus China — Leaflet
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Der Abschied von der Ideologie: Neue Kunst aus China — Leaflet

從國家意識形態出走:中國新藝術展 — 單張
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100 Years of Portrait Oil Painting in China — Invitation

中國油畫肖像百年展 — 邀請卡
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100 Years of Portrait Oil Painting in China — Shortlist Certificate

中國油畫肖像百年展 — 入選證
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1983 Kunming Creative Drama Critics' Award — Certificate

1983 昆明市創作劇(節)目調演評獎—榮譽證書
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1995 China Avant-Garde 15 Years — Agreement

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Beijing Xisanhuan Art Research Document Exhibition — Certificate of Participation

北京西三環藝術研究文獻(資料)展 — 參展證明
China's New Art, Post-1989 — Invitation
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China's New Art, Post-1989 — Invitation

後八九中國新藝術 — 邀請卡
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Letter from Walter Smerling to Zhang Xiaogang

Walter Smerling致張曉剛的信件
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National Children's Book Illustrations Exhibition — Shortlist Certificate

全國兒童美術作品展覽 — 入選證書
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Photography Exhibition of Ethnic Minorities in Yunnan— Leaflet

雲南民族生活美術攝影展覽 — 單張
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Sichuan Art Exhibition — Shortlist Certificate

四川省美術作品展覽 — 入選證
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Sichuan Printmaking Exhibition — Shortlist Certificate

四川版畫節版畫展覽 — 作品入選證
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Yunnan Art Exhibition — Shortlist Certificate

雲南省美術作品展覽 — 入選證
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Zhang Xiaogang Solo Exhibition — Invitation

張曉剛個展 — 邀請卡