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Committee of New Generation Art Exhibition - Minutes of the First Meeting

《新生代藝術展》藝委會 — 第一次會議記錄
WANG Youshen, 王友身
Conditions of Art Creation and Reality — Discussion on 'New Generation Art Exhibition'
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Conditions of Art Creation and Reality — Discussion on 'New Generation Art Exhibition'

藝術狀態與現實 — 關於 《新生代藝術展》 的討論
New Generation Art — Exhibition Catalogue
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New Generation Art — Exhibition Catalogue

新生代藝術展 — 展覽圖錄
Regarding the New Generation Art Exhibition
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Regarding the New Generation Art Exhibition

關於 “新生代” 藝術展
FAN Dian, 范迪安
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Temporary Exhibition Agreements between National Museum of Chinese History and Beijing Youth Daily

中國歷史博物館與 《北京青年報》 簽訂的臨時展覽協議書
WYS010 王友身1991-新生代艺术展-开展1 185017
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Wang Hu, Wang Youshen, Pang Lei, Beijing, 1991

Wang Hu, Zhou Yan, Pang Lei, Beijing, 1991
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Wang Hu, Zhou Yan, Pang Lei, Beijing, 1991

Wang Youshen, Pang Lei, Zhou Yan, Beijing, 1991
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Wang Youshen, Pang Lei, Zhou Yan, Beijing, 1991

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Specials Editions on Beijing Young and Middle-Aged Artists Featured in Jiangsu Pictorial

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Artists of New Generation Art Exhibition

New Generation Art Exhibition (Exhibition Documentation)
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New Generation Art Exhibition (Exhibition Documentation)

新生代藝術展 (展覽記錄)
New Generation Art Exhibition (Exhibition Documentation)
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New Generation Art Exhibition (Exhibition Documentation)

新生代藝術展 (展覽記錄)
WYS008 王友身1991-新生代艺术展-现场4 184995
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New Generation Art Exhibition (Exhibition Documentation)

新生代藝術展 (展覽記錄)
WYS007 王友身1991-新生代艺术展-现场3 184993
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New Generation Art Exhibition (Exhibition Documentation)

新生代藝術展 (展覽記錄)
New Generation Art Exhibition (Exhibition Opening)
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New Generation Art Exhibition (Exhibition Opening)

新生代藝術展 (展覽開幕)
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New Generation Art Exhibition and Beijing Youth Daily

'新生代' 與北京青年報
WANG Youshen, 王友身
Sketches of Wang Youshen's Works for the New Generation Art Exhibition
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Sketches of Wang Youshen's Works for the New Generation Art Exhibition

王友身參加 《新生代藝術展》 的作品草圖
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The '85 New Wave Art Movement in the Eyes of the New Generation Artists

新生代眼中的 '八五美術運動
WANG Youshen, 王友身
Wang Youshen at New Generation Art Exhibition
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Wang Youshen at New Generation Art Exhibition

Wang Youshen at New Generation Art Exhibition
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Wang Youshen at New Generation Art Exhibition
