Up Art Gallery Archive 阿普畫廊檔案
Huang Hung-Teh 黃宏德

1 Document
TSAI Hungming, 蔡宏明
Tsai Hung-Ming's Critique on Huang Hung-Teh's Work
蔡宏明評論黃宏德TSAI Hungming, 蔡宏明

1 Document
Richard LIN, 林壽宇 , WANG Chehsiung, 王哲雄
Circa 1985-1986
Jury's Comments for Winning The 10th Hsiung Shih New Artists Prize and Contemporary Art Trends in the Republic of China
雄獅美術新人獎與中華民國現代繪畫新展望獎得獎評審評語Richard LIN, 林壽宇 , WANG Chehsiung, 王哲雄
Circa 1985-1986