Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案
The History of Chinese Oil Painting 中國油畫的歷史

1 Document
CHEN Ruilin, 陳瑞林 , ZHU Boxiong, 朱伯雄
The Conflicts Between Styles and Schools Were the Driving Forces of Developments in Art
風格、流派的矛盾鬥爭推動著藝術的發展CHEN Ruilin, 陳瑞林 , ZHU Boxiong, 朱伯雄

1 Document
MA Keming, 馬克明
Brief History of Chinese Oil Painting — Draft
中國油畫發展史略 — 草稿MA Keming, 馬克明

1 Document
LI Chao
Art Immigrants: The Fourth Channel of Transmitting Western Paintings Eastwards Into China
藝術移民:西畫東漸中國的第四途徑LI Chao

1 Document
HU Guanghua, 胡光華
The Role of Missionaries in the Contact between and Circulation of Chinese and Western Painting during Ming and Qing Dynasties
傳教士與明清中西繪畫的接觸與傳通HU Guanghua, 胡光華

1 Document
GONG Chanxing, 龔產興 , WANG Zhen, 王震
Two Articles about Zhou Xiang
關於周湘的兩篇文章GONG Chanxing, 龔產興 , WANG Zhen, 王震

1 Document
SHUI Tianzhong, 水天中
Chinese Oil Painting: Originated from the West and Planted in the East
西來東植的中國油畫SHUI Tianzhong, 水天中

1 Document
LANG Shaojun, 郎紹君
Looking Back At the Past Century: Overview of Modern Art in China (Part One)
世紀回首:中國現代美術概觀(上)LANG Shaojun, 郎紹君

1 Document
AI Zhongxin, 艾中信
Oil Painting in Mainland China from the 1950s to the Early 1960s
五十和六十年代前期的大陸油畫AI Zhongxin, 艾中信

1 Document
CHEN Ruilin, 陳瑞林
Overview of Development of Contemporary Chinese Oil Painting
當代中國油畫藝術發展概觀CHEN Ruilin, 陳瑞林

1 Document
LI Xiaoshan, 李小山 , ZHANG Shaoxia, 張少俠
Random Thoughts After Writing "The History of Chinese Modern Painting"
「中國現代繪畫史」撰後散感LI Xiaoshan, 李小山 , ZHANG Shaoxia, 張少俠

1 Document
XU Junxuan, 徐君萱
Retrospect on A Hundred Years: Milestones of Oil Painting in China
百年回顧:中國油畫紀程XU Junxuan, 徐君萱

1 Document
CHEN Ruilin, 陳瑞林 , ZHU Boxiong, 朱伯雄
Retrospect on the Conflicts Between Styles and Schools in the Early Stage of Oil Painting Movements in China
回顧中國早期油畫運動的風格流派之爭CHEN Ruilin, 陳瑞林 , ZHU Boxiong, 朱伯雄

1 Document
CHEN Ruilin, 陳瑞林 , ZHU Boxiong, 朱伯雄
Study on the Early Stage of Western Painting Movement in China
中國早期西畫運動研究CHEN Ruilin, 陳瑞林 , ZHU Boxiong, 朱伯雄

1 Document