Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案
Chinese Oil Painting of the 1980s 1980年代的中國油畫

There Is A Promising Future in Chinese Oil Painting
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Statistics of Self-Organized Painting Groups Across China, 1981
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Survey on Chinese Oil Painters, 1983
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Reviews of the 1988 First All-China Oil Painting Exhibition
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Basic Information of Oil Painters in China
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Form Gathering Basic Information of Oil Painters in China, 1979
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Index of "Essential Works of Chinese Oil Paintings in 1987"
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Index of "Selected Oil Paintings from the Seventh All-China Art Exhibition"
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List of Slides of the "85 Youth Art Trends"
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Notes Taken from "The Emergence of Self-Organized Painting Exhibition Movement in Mainland China During 1978-1980"
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Notes Taken from "Three Realist Painters in Mainland China Whose Works Reflect the Real Situation"
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Notes Taken from the Oil Painting Symposium Held in Beihai Park
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The Significant Turn in Art
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Untitled Text on the New Generation Artists
Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.Chinese Oil Painting of the 1980s 1980年代的中國油畫 1 Document
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