Interview with So Yankei by Leung Chiwo Warren
In the second part of the recorded interview, So continues to talk about the importance of materials and formats in her works. Attempting to work with different media, she hoped that she would find methods or techniques that best reflect what she thinks (00:00–08:00). In the creative process, she tended to emphasise the thinking process over the making process (08:00–17:30). In the last part of the interview, So explains why she likes Frog King’s works, and tells us that she does not like nostalgia or keeping old things. Instead she prefers using news photos as materials for her art to represent events and objects in the present world (17:30–24:48).
在錄音的第二節,蘇氏續說物料和形式對她的作品的重要性,期望作不同媒界的嘗試,以及能找到更加接近內心想法的做法 (00:00-08:00);在創作過程中,她比較注重思考多於親手製作的過程 (08:00-17:30)。在訪問的末段,蘇氏述說她欣賞郭孟浩的原因,又說自己不愛保存舊物及懷舊,比較喜歡利用新聞照片等代表當下的東西作為創作材料 (17:30-24:48)。
oral history,  Hong Kong
interview documentation, 
event photograph/recording
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