Interview with So Yankei by Leung Chiwo Warren
Artist So Yankei went to a boarding school, where she made small decor accessories on her own, received basic training in painting and piano, and enjoyed copying famous paintings (00:00–15:00). So later enrolled at the Hong Kong Chingying Institute of Visual Arts and Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s evening programme to study graphic design. Subsequently, she worked at an advertising agency (15:00–31:50). Due to her rebellious and introspective personality, So says, she often did not get along with others. At the Hong Kong Polytechnic, she particularly liked Kith Tsang, who invited her to participate in a joint exhibition after she graduated (31:50–39:14). After working in an advertising agency, she learned the importance of communicating in a team (39:30–49:10). So goes on to talk about how she was influenced by the works of Kith Tsang, and turned to installation art. She also discusses her views on installation art after travelling in Europe (49:10–57:50). In terms of theme, So’s inspiration comes from her observations on colleagues, foreign domestic helpers, and people and things around her (57:50–1:02:18).
藝術家蘇恩祺自小過著寄宿生活,喜歡在宿舍中自製小擺設,期間曾接受繪畫及彈琴的初階訓練,也喜歡臨摹名畫 (00:00-15:00);後來在香港正形設計學校和香港理工學院夜間課程修讀平面設計,其後進入廣告公司工作 (15:00-31:50)。蘇氏提到因為其反叛及內向的性格,在學校經常跟人合不來,卻特別欣賞曾德平老師,畢業後亦應他邀請參加第一次聯展 (31:50-39:14);直至後期在廣告公司工作,才讓她學會跟團隊溝通合作的重要性 (39:30-49:10)。蘇氏繼而談及她如何受曾德平作品的啟發,轉而創作裝置作品;還有到歐洲遊歷回來後對裝置藝術的看法 (49:10-57:50)。題材方面,蘇氏的靈感多來自她對同事、外傭及身邊的人與事的觀察 (57:50-1:02:18)
oral history,  Hong Kong
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