An Interior View of Salon Natasha

A comer of Salon Natasha with a photo of Cadillac-Icarus, a sculpture by Vu Dan Tan which he created in 1999 in Oakland, USA, at Pacific Bridge gallery. The engine of the Cadillac had once been confiscated by customs in Hai Phong on the way to Vietnam from the United States; it was later sold to Vu Dan Tan by the customs officers. Tan considered the engine 'the heart' of his Cadillac sculpture.

The interior of Salon Natasha had been constantly transformed by Vu Dan Tan. To give the Salon a varying ambience, the artist would change the position of the furniture, the display of art objects, and create site-specific installations. Vu Dan Tan attempted to make the Salon a space more than a gallery; he emphasised its unique and natural combination of a home, an artist’s studio, a venue for friends and art lovers to get together, and an exhibition space.

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An Interior View of Salon Natasha