Compilation of photographs during the preparation and installation of 'Ground Zero', a group exhibition curated by Roberto Chabet at The Art Center, SM Megamall from 28 February - 15 March 1997.
Notable figures in the album includes Roberto Chabet (Image 1, 11, 24, 27, 29), Jet Melencio (Image 1, 6, 15), Katya Guerrero (Image 1, 26), Gerry Tan (Image 3, 14, 26), Trek Valdizno (Image 4-6, 15-16), Joy Melencio (Image 4, 13, 26), Juni Salvador (Image 6-7, 17-18), Pardo de Leon (Image 9), Sylvia Gascon (Image 9, 22, 26), Jose Tence Ruiz (Image 9), Trina Valenzuela (Image 10-12), Jonathan Olazo (Image 20-21, 26, 28), Lito Rojas (Image 22), Soler Santos (Image 26), Vita Sarenas (Image 26), and Nilo Ilarde (Image 28).
According to Chabet, ''Ground Zero' explores the sublime in terms of modernity. The romantic sublime sought transcendence in the encompassing vastness of creation. Modernity finds the sublime in the transcendent presentness of the man-made and the commonplace, the here and now, the moment or the immeasurable gap between moments. The artists in this exhibition situate the sublime in the ever-expanding vastness of the detonated ground zero. They seek it in the split of the split-second; they find it in the fullness of the void.
The commonplace and the seemingly banal - the psychic debris and ruins of everyday life - constitute the matter, form, and content of the toughly conceptualist, mixed-media works in the exhibition. It redefines the sublime - the ineffable quality of art - in terms of the end-of-the-decade, end-of-the-century, end-of-the-millenium anxieties of modernity.
Eschewing the romantic search of the sublime in the vastness of nature, the 10 young artists who spearhead cutting-edge, vanguard art in the country seek the sublime in the here and now - in the detonated ground zero of modern life. They seek it in the moment and the gap between moments, in the process memorializing the unnoticed and the unremembered.'
The exhibition included paintings, sculptures, and installations by Ronald Achacoso, Nilo Ilarde, Katya Guerrero, Jet Melencio, Joy Melencio, Jonathan Olazo, Juni Salvador, Gerardo Tan, Trek Valdizno, and Trina Valenzuela.
Pardo DE LEON,  Sylvia GASCON,  Katya GUERRERO,  Nilo ILARDE,  Jet MELENCIO,  Joy MELENCIO,  Jonathan OLAZO,  Juni SALVADOR,  Soler SANTOS,  Evita SARENAS,  Gerardo TAN,  Jose TENCE RUIZ,  Trek VALDIZNO,  Trina Valenzuela
painting,  sculpture,  installation,  found object,  found object,  conceptualism
event photograph/recording, 
artwork documentation, 
personal record
Ground Zero (Exhibition Preparation) (Set of 29 Photographs)
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Ground Zero (Exhibition Preparation) (Set of 29 Photographs)

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