Out of Context Research Project《外圍》展覽研究項目
1978-80 Extra-Mural Studies Department of the University of Hong Kong 香港大學校外進修課程

Documentation of Artworks at Department of Extra-Mural Studies, University of Hong Kong (Set of 20 Photographs)
Out of Context Research Project《外圍》展覽研究項目.1978-80 Extra-Mural Studies Department of the University of Hong Kong 香港大學校外進修課程 20 Images
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Extra-Mural Student Work
Out of Context Research Project《外圍》展覽研究項目.1978-80 Extra-Mural Studies Department of the University of Hong Kong 香港大學校外進修課程 1 Document
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Work on Paper (Set of 6 Photographs)
Out of Context Research Project《外圍》展覽研究項目.1978-80 Extra-Mural Studies Department of the University of Hong Kong 香港大學校外進修課程 6 Images
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