Oscar Ho Hing Kay Archive 何慶基檔案
The Art of Liao Shiou-ping: A Retrospective (1966–1999) 廖修平作品回顧展(1966–1999)

1 Document
15 Feb 2000
Letter from Liew Cometong to Oscar Ho, 15 February 2000
LIEW Come Tong, 劉欽棟15 Feb 2000

1 Document
Printing Quotation for Exhibition Booklet of 'The Art of Liao Shiou-ping: A Retrospective (1966–1999)'
18 Feb 2000
1 Document
Clippings on Liao Shiou-ping
CHENG Nai-Ming, 鄭乃銘 , LIEW Come Tong, 劉欽棟 , WANG Hsiuhsiung Frank, 王秀雄
1 Document
Invitation Card of Liao Shiou-Ping's Exhibition at Cité internationale des arts in 1998

3 Documents
Postcards of Liao Shiou-Ping's Exhibition at Howard Salon, Art Galleries Fair, R.O.C.—1994 Taipei

2 Images
The Art of Liao Shiou-ping: A Retrospective—Festival of Sun, Etching, 1969
2 Images
The Art of Liao Shiou-ping: A Retrospective—Knot V, Woodcut, 1999
2 Images