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Letter from Sun Dongdong to Mao Xuhui, 7 June 2006

SUN Dongdong, 孫冬冬
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Sharing Earth — 2006 Invitation of Yunnan Art Exhibition — Proposal

共享之土 — 2006雲南當代架上藝術邀請展 — 策劃書
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Invitation from Square Gallery of Contemporary Art to Mao Xuhui, 23 January 2007

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Agreements of Sharing Earth — 2006 Invitation of Yunnan Art Exhibition

共享之土 — 2006雲南當代架上藝術邀請展協議書
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Sharing Earth — 2006 Invitation of Yunnan Art Exhibition — Programme Schedule

共享之土 — 2006雲南當代架上藝術邀請展 — 日程安排