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One of the letters from Lu Peng on behalf of the Organising Committee of Guangzhou · The First 1990s' Biennial Art Fair to the participating artists of Guangzhou Biennial Art Fair that explained the financial difficulties of the Organising Committee and asking to extend the payment deadline. This particular letter is addressed to Shen Xiaotong.

呂澎代表廣州 · 首屆九十年代藝術雙年展組委會致廣州雙年展藝術家的信,解釋廣州雙年展組委會的財政情況,及請求接受延遲付款。此信寫給沈曉彤。

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Letter from Lu Peng to Shen Xiaotong, January 3, 1993, 呂澎致沈曉彤信件,1993年1月3日