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Govt Not Taking Over Press and Will Not Interfere: Jek

29 Aug 1974
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Shirley Cameron and Roland Miller: Why So Far and No Further?

Shirley CAMERON , Roland MILLER
Jul – Aug 1976
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The Dangerous Water Which Lies In Between: An Interview with Shirley Cameron and Roland Miller

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Full Text of Ministry of Home Affairs Statement on the Marxist Conspiracy | Two Main Fronts in Conspiracy

27 May 1987
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Govt Frees Seven More Detainees

27 Sep 1987
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Eight Detainees Change Their Story | Joint Statement a Ploy to Discredit Govt | Detainee Ng Reveals Motives Behind Joint Statement

29 Apr 1988
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Confessions of …a Nowhere Man

7 Nov 1992
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In the Name of Art ...Public Protest

3 Jan 1994
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Dark Art

11 Oct 1994
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Ambassador to an Undefined Identity

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The Big Chill

Sharaad KUTTAN
28 Feb 1995
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The Singapore Paradox

25 Mar 1995
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Nuclear 'Victims' Lose in Europe

10 Jun 1998
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Fukuoka Honours: Tang Da Wu Bags Arts and Culture Prize

14 Jul 1999
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Amazing Practitioners Also Exist in Thailand

タイにもいたぞ すごい奴
Seiji SHIMODA, 霜田誠二
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Noted Performance Artist's Work Slows to a Crawl

Holland COTTER
5 Jan 2000
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Performance in the Shopping District: "This Is Also Art"

5 Mar 2000
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Journey of a Yellow Man - Lee Wen and Performance Art

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The Art of Public Disturbance

May 2003
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Making an Art of Messiness

9 Sep 2003