Typed manuscript by artist Jyoti Bhatt regarding the arrival of the camera and photography as a medium for artistic expressions and its development in India.
On the basis of this, a seminar was subsequently delivered in Santiniketan and Lalit Kala Akademi, Delhi.
The manuscript is undated. Details of whether this text was published are not ascertained.
A similar handwritten text titled 'Photography: A Graphic Medium', which was written sometime between 1981 and 1982, is available with the collection of Asia Art Archive.
Ananda K. COOMARASWAMY,  Vinod DAVE,  Krishen KHANNA,  László MOHOLY-NAGY,  Raghu RAI,  Man RAY,  Vivien RAYNOR
photography,  design,  mediality
Circa 1981
artist writing
Photography - A Potential Medium for Graphic Expression
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Photography - A Potential Medium for Graphic Expression

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