Artist statement for Reconstructing Michelangelo:
'Sketch I: 24'45'', Sketch II: 43'17'', Sketch III:56'24'', Threshold: 11'19'', Open Up: 33'58'', Perfect Editing: 24'10'''
'This is a plan for a master-apprentice relationship.
A while back, I had for the first time in my artistic career an assistant (apprentice). And so I began to ponder a question: what exactly can a performance artist’s assistant (apprentice) do? (Because this assistant had plans to become an artist in the future.) A sculptor can teach his assistant to sculpt, a painter can teach his assistant to paint. Can a performance artist teach his assistant to perform?
Over the course of art history, the role of the assistant (apprentice) slowly vanished after the advent of art schools, yet here I was in the modern day actually given the opportunity to grapple with this age-old topic. This, I thought, would be a very interesting experience.
I’ve now already begun the first stage of my plan. I’ve started to do performances in my studio, where every morning, we perform gymnastic routines of our own invention.
At the same time, I’ve tried to convey to my assistant my understanding of art through a period spent living together and long stretches of dialogue and discussion, even though I can’t guarantee that my views are all accurate. I know that I was influencing him, but hoped that the influence was a positive one.
For the plan’s second stage, I began in February of 2015 taking my assistant (apprentice) to art museums or galleries to perform. The plan was to do at least two to three live performances.
From this plan that’s now already in-progress, I’ve discovered a very strong answer to this question of assistantship: art is change, including that experienced by myself as an artist and by my assistant (apprentice). I feel that through these various performances, my assistant (apprentice) gained a measure of greater confidence.
At the point where we’d been continuously performing and had accumulated a large amount of video material, a new problem arose. It was very clearly a problem of performance as a form (a problem of the artist him or herself), which was that I already couldn’t separate live performances done before an audience from performances done in the studio without an audience. More importantly, I already couldn’t separate performances done in physical space from those within in the space of the video editing software. So for the work’s final iteration, I tried to blur these two kinds of space into each other, eliminating the feeling of a live performance. As I see it now, a live performance only exists within a fixed time and space, because a live performance existing in time and space will have a beginning and an end, and will therefore disappear.
This is how I have changed and what I’ve gained.'
6-channel HD Video
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Reconstructing Michelangelo, 再造米開朗基羅

Application for Access to/Reproduction of Research Collections