Artist statement for Fang Di's project for 'City One Minutes':
'The project called 'City One Minutes' is carried out by the artists from Guangzhou, who are invited by two artists from Netherlands. Fortunately, I also participated in it. What I reflected in this work was current eavesdropping and surveillance technology of China. Detective services often satated on some roadside posters offer people the access to eavesdrop on the people they want to investigate. Therefore, I performed some eavesdropping experiments on the passersby’s mobile phones or wired phones in some commercial areas in Guangzhou, just like some common actions by some called detectives though it unlawful. Unlike the United States, only FBI can do the eavesdropping and surveillance. Thus I wondered what was the bottom line of privacy on earth. On the other hand, this phenomenon also reflected the vitality of this developing country, and showed China had her own features during economic development.'
方迪 'City One Minutes' 作品藝術家自述:
「這個項目是隨荷蘭來的兩個藝術家邀請廣州的藝術家進行的。並參加city one minutes。而我在這個作品里體現的是目前中國的偷聽與監視,我們可以常常看見招貼上寫可以雇傭偵探對你想調查的目標進行監聽。我在便在廣州一些商業地區進行對路人手機通話或者有線通話進行監聽。而這些不合法的行為在國內是常有的。而做為市民我們的私隱底線究竟在那裡。而這體現了發展中國家體現的活力,這種現象表明瞭中國在發展中產生了他的特色。並不像美國FBI中的那種監視監聽。中國是一種民用的普及。」
方迪作品:Project for city one minutes(展览现场)
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Project for 'City One Minutes' (Exhibition View)

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