Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案
2004-2012 The 5th Studio 第五工作室

"Art Museum and Biennials/Triennials" A Conversation with Francesco Bonami, Curator for the 50th Venice Biennale
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2005 "Art Museum and Biennials/Triennials" 「美術館與雙(三)年展」 6 Images
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"Beautiful Underdog", Lecture by Rik Meijers
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2007 "Beautiful Underdog", Lecture by Rik Meijers 呂克·梅耶斯講座「美麗的弱者」 3 Images
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"Contemporary Art Experiment" End-of-Course Reflection by CHENG Weiqin
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.Academic Archive 教學檔案 1 Document
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"Dormitory" by Lin Dewen in 'Experimental Space and Academy Field' CAFA, CAA, GAFA Exhibition (Preparation)
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2009 'Experimental Space and Academy Field' CAFA, CAA, GAFA Exhibition「實驗空間與學院視野」三校聯展 1 Image
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"Exercise in Imagination and Creativity", Wall Text in 'Experimental Space and Academy Field' CAFA, CAA, GAFA Exhibition
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2009 'Experimental Space and Academy Field' CAFA, CAA, GAFA Exhibition「實驗空間與學院視野」三校聯展 1 Image
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"Fist Smashed Concrete" A Discussion between Zheng Guogu and the 5th Studio (Poster)
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2006 "Fist Smashed Concrete" A Discussion between Zheng Guogu and the 5th Studio「拳頭打爆石頭」鄭國谷與第五工作室師生座談會 1 Image
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"Fist Smashed Concrete" A Discussion between Zheng Guogu and the 5th Studio
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2006 "Fist Smashed Concrete" A Discussion between Zheng Guogu and the 5th Studio「拳頭打爆石頭」鄭國谷與第五工作室師生座談會 3 Images
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"Fist Smashed Concrete" A Discussion between Zheng Guogu and the 5th Studio
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2006 "Fist Smashed Concrete" A Discussion between Zheng Guogu and the 5th Studio「拳頭打爆石頭」鄭國谷與第五工作室師生座談會 4 Images
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"How To Make Orgasm Last" by Zheng Qi in 'Experimental Space and Academy Field' CAFA, CAA, GAFA Exhibition (Exhibition View)
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2009 'Experimental Space and Academy Field' CAFA, CAA, GAFA Exhibition「實驗空間與學院視野」三校聯展 2 Images
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"Last Portrait of Architectures""Slippers" (Work Proposal)
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.Collective Works 集體作品 1 Document
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"Numeral Code" by Li Jian'an in 'Experimental Space and Academy Field' CAFA, CAA, GAFA Exhibition (Exhibition View)
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2009 'Experimental Space and Academy Field' CAFA, CAA, GAFA Exhibition「實驗空間與學院視野」三校聯展 1 Image
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"Shops" Project by FrenchMottershead (Info Pack)
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2008 FrenchMottershead "Shops" Project「商店」計劃 1 Document
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"Shops" Project by FrenchMottershead (Open Call for Writer in Guangzhou)
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2008 FrenchMottershead "Shops" Project「商店」計劃 1 Document
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"Shops" Project by FrenchMottershead (Residency in Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts)
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2008 FrenchMottershead "Shops" Project「商店」計劃 1 Document
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"Supermarket" by Cui Qianshan in 'Experimental Space and Academy Field' CAFA, CAA, GAFA Exhibition (Exhibition View)
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2009 'Experimental Space and Academy Field' CAFA, CAA, GAFA Exhibition「實驗空間與學院視野」三校聯展 1 Image
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"Supermarket" by Cui Qianshan in 'Experimental Space and Academy Field' CAFA, CAA, GAFA Exhibition (Preparation)
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2009 'Experimental Space and Academy Field' CAFA, CAA, GAFA Exhibition「實驗空間與學院視野」三校聯展 2 Images
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"The Power of Visual Communication", Lecture by Emil Fedida
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2010 "The Power of Visual Communication", Lecture by Emil Fedida 費笛塔講座「視覺呈現的力量」 1 Image
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"What is Art" Campaign of 'Aftershock'
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2007 "What is Art" Campaign of 'Aftershock' 《餘震》之「什麼是藝術」高校藝術活動 1 Document
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'Echo': Dialogue on Art Education between Weissensee School of Art & GAFA (Exhibition View)
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2010 Berlin. Echo. China: Berlin Weissensee School of Art & GAFA 柏林白湖藝術大學與廣美的交流創作 10 Images
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'Echo': Dialogue on Art Education between Weissensee School of Art & GAFA (Installation)
Huang Xiaopeng Archive 黃小鵬檔案.2010 Berlin. Echo. China: Berlin Weissensee School of Art & GAFA 柏林白湖藝術大學與廣美的交流創作 21 Images
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