This interview is part of Hong Kong Art History Research Project – Phase II, a collaboration between Asia Art Archive and Hong Kong Museum of Art. It was conducted at Brian Tilbrook's home on 5 February 2015.
Brian Tilbrook (b. 1932, Middlesex, UK)
A graduate of London's Ealing College of Art (1953), Brian Tilbrook first came to Asia in the early 1960s through military postings to Japan, Malaysia, and Hong Kong. Tilbrook is one of the first artists to have a solo show at the Low Block Exhibition Hall of Hong Kong City Hall in 1968. He has taught art at secondary schools and has been involved in designing cultural spaces and theatre sets.
In this interview, he recalls his experiences of living in Japan and Malaysia as an artist in the British National Service, and of organising his first solo exhibition in Hong Kong at City Hall. This interview also provides Tilbrook's perspective into how art writing—its diversity or lack thereof in 1960s Hong Kong—shaped the art ecology at the time.
Tilbrook lives in Hong Kong.
Enid Tsui is Senior Culture Writer at South China Morning Post (SCMP). Before joining SCMP, Tsui was business news editor and Hong Kong correspondent of Financial Times, associate editor of the Nikkei Asian Review, and a radio presenter at Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK). In recent years she has shifted her focus to writing about arts and culture in Hong Kong and Mainland China.
此訪談為香港藝術史研究 — 第二期的一部分。訪談於2015年2月5日在白賴恩·陶布力家中進行。
1932 年生於英國密德薩斯。
陶布力於1953 年畢業於倫敦Ealing College of Art,並在1960 年代初隨英軍首次踏足亞洲,先後駐守日本、馬來西亞及香港。1968 年,陶布力於大會堂低座舉行個人展覽,是其中一位最早於該處舉辦個展的藝術家。除於中學任教美術外,他亦曾參與設計多個香港文化場地。
在訪問中,陶布力憶述他在日本及馬來西亞服兵役期間,充當駐軍藝術家的經歷,以及1968年於香港大會堂舉辦首個個人展覽的往事。陶布力亦在訪問中,就1960 年代香港藝術寫作的狀況對當時的藝術生態的影響,提出個人觀點。
徐曉瑜是《南華早報》文化版資深撰稿人。曾任《金融時報》商業新聞編輯及駐香港記者、《Nikkei Asian Review》副編輯及香港電台節目主持。近年寫作興趣轉向香港及國內的藝術和文化。
Bai Lai En Tao Bu Li Fang Tan
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Interview: Brian Tilbrook, 白賴恩.陶布力訪談

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