Building Communities and Validating Practices, 藝術社群與藝術實踐
The second session of the panel discussions jointly presented by Asia Art Archive and Hong Kong Museum of Art to launch the second phase of the Hong Kong Art History Research Project.
How are communities in an art ecology imagined, created, and sustained? How are artistic practices circulated and validated? This panel stems from the Project’s lines of inquiry on art pedagogy, art writing, political affiliation, and exhibitions. It considers how these forces shape artistic practices and impact their circulation and visibility in 1960s–70s Hong Kong.
Building on previous and current research efforts, including the first phase in 2013, the Hong Kong Art History Research Project continues to develop a richer picture of Hong Kong’s art ecology during the 1960–70s. The Project encourages research through collaboration by a process that does not only produce knowledge, but also circulates material that can generate more complex narratives.
Focused around a new series of documented interviews that cover multiple voices and perspectives, the Project has digitised a selection of materials from the archives of Asia Art Archive, the Hong Kong Museum of Art, and the personal collections of leading arts professionals.
CHOI Yan Chi, 蔡仞姿,  LAI Meilin Eliza, 黎美蓮,  LUI Fung Ngar Eddie, 呂豐雅,  MA Kwai Shun, 馬桂順
event photograph/recording
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Building Communities and Validating Practices, 藝術社群與藝術實踐
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